Interior & Exterior Painting
- Professional craftsmanship
- High quality paints!
- 3 year warranty!
- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
When do I need to paint?
Paint serves as a protective layer to surfaces. In the case of wood and other exterior surfaces, the environment can slowly start to wear them down. That’s why it’s very important to maintain their paint, especially on wood materials. When you notice peeling, scratches, or exposure of the materials; it’s a good sign you need to paint!
Why choose House Lift?
With painting; preparation is key! Areas must be properly washed at minimum; and more complicated jobs require proper sanding, sanding, and priming. Knowing what types of paint to use are also important factors! Improper painting jobs. Improper preparation or poor quality paints will easily peel and come off!
Our Guarantee
House lift is confident in our workmanship, so we offer you a 3 year warranty on exterior and interior painting! This covers any defects that may have occurred due to poor workmanship such as bubbling and certain types of peeling. Contact us today for your free estimate!